Mohamed performed as an actor locally, regionally and internationally , has cooperated in several artistic joint projects with many Theatre companies in Europe and Africa such as “Theatre for Africa” – Cape Town , Rea Ann Company – Sweden , “De Nieuw Amsterdam” – Amsterdam , “Ankur production” - Scotland , "The National Theatre of Mannheim" Mannheim , and ”Theater Werkstatt" Hannover." />
Mohamed is the founder of " HERE & NOW “ Theatre Group , the group performed several times across Egypt .
Mohamed performed as an actor locally, regionally and internationally , has cooperated in several artistic joint projects with many Theatre companies in Europe and Africa such as “Theatre for Africa” – Cape Town , Rea Ann Company – Sweden , “De Nieuw Amsterdam” – Amsterdam , “Ankur production” - Scotland , "The National Theatre of Mannheim" Mannheim , and ”Theater Werkstatt" Hannover.